Posts Tagged: reforms

Gov’t, troika in tug-of-war over layoffs

The insistence of Greece’s international creditors, the European Central Bank, European Commission and the IMF — known as the troika — on public sector layoffs is leading to a tug of war with the government, which is focusing on the

Gov’t, troika in tug-of-war over layoffs

The insistence of Greece’s international creditors, the European Central Bank, European Commission and the IMF — known as the troika — on public sector layoffs is leading to a tug of war with the government, which is focusing on the

The number of people with…

The number of people without jobs climbed to 1.075 million or 21.9% of the workforce.
The March level was the highest since 2004.

Greece is now in its fifth year of a recession marked by increasing business bankruptcies and exacerbated by tough austerity measures.

Young people remain the hardest hit by the recession, with a staggering 52.8% of those aged between 15 and 24 years old without a job in March, a sharp increase from the 42% recorded a year earlier.

The proportion of women without work was 25.8% in March, compared with 19.2% a year earlier.

European leaders have said the coming vote is crucial for Greece’s future in the euro zone and have called on Greeks to back parties that will proceed with austerity measures. Apparently, the above results provide ample evidence that the followed path is correct! 

The number of people with…

The number of people without jobs climbed to 1.075 million or 21.9% of the workforce.
The March level was the highest since 2004.

Greece is now in its fifth year of a recession marked by increasing business bankruptcies and exacerbated by tough austerity measures.

Young people remain the hardest hit by the recession, with a staggering 52.8% of those aged between 15 and 24 years old without a job in March, a sharp increase from the 42% recorded a year earlier.

The proportion of women without work was 25.8% in March, compared with 19.2% a year earlier.

European leaders have said the coming vote is crucial for Greece’s future in the euro zone and have called on Greeks to back parties that will proceed with austerity measures. Apparently, the above results provide ample evidence that the followed path is correct! 

Reforms, reforms, reforms

Reforms, reforms, reforms. . . . This is what all the world is telling me to do. Stick to the reforms and we are here to support you. You are wrong, we are right. Do what we tell you and

Reforms, reforms, reforms

Reforms, reforms, reforms. . . . This is what all the world is telling me to do. Stick to the reforms and we are here to support you. You are wrong, we are right. Do what we tell you and

/ News

The Failure of the Euro Experiment in Two Charts

The launch of the euro was supposed to bind the nations of Europe more tightly together. Instead it is driving them apart. What went wrong? These two charts, contrasting the fates of Germany and Greece, tell the story. The top

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The Failure of the Euro Experiment in Two Charts

The launch of the euro was supposed to bind the nations of Europe more tightly together. Instead it is driving them apart. What went wrong? These two charts, contrasting the fates of Germany and Greece, tell the story. The top

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Reforms that make sense . . .

It is widely known that the Greek people have lost any sense of respect and trust to the existing political system that governs them. A political system, highly corrupted and full of scandals as the current and many cases of

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Reforms that make sense . . .

It is widely known that the Greek people have lost any sense of respect and trust to the existing political system that governs them. A political system, highly corrupted and full of scandals as the current and many cases of